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Tag: membership

Emotional Ownership in Private Clubs

Warren was delighted when his fellow club members selected him to serve on the board of governors. He couldn’t wait to roll up his sleeves and jump straight into the big issues plaguing the club: stagnant membership growth, financial uncertainty and distrust of the board

What will clubs need to do to attract millennials?

To answer your question fully would take more space than allotted here, but I’ll address a part of it because the club industry has so much riding on its ability to attract a fair share of millennials. Beyond the obvious issues like making your club

Special Considerations: Members with Disabled Adult Children

As the membership demographic of private clubs in the United States ages, so do the members’ children and, as is the case with the general population, the percentage of members’ children with developmental and related disabilities and other special needs continues to rise. According to

Blowing the Status Quo Out of the Water: Sarasota Yacht Club

In 2007, Sarasota Yacht Club (SYC) in Sarasota, Fla., leveled its facility and embarked on an ambitious construction project that would transform the club into a spectacular resort-like destination for boaters and non-boaters alike. The club erected a tent outfitted with a kitchen and restrooms

Millennials: Enough About Me, What Do You Think of Me?

FOR SOME IN THE CLUB INDUSTRY, the term “Millennial” has almost taken on the air of a four-letter word as the generation composed mostly of twenty-somethings remains a bit of a mystery. With headphones permanently implanted and eyes that are seemingly unable to break the invisible