Outlook 2024: For Clubs, The Future’s Still Bright
In November 2023, a McMahon Group Pulse Survey was sent to McMahon’s database of clubs, asking for club leaders’ assessments of 2023 and their outlook for 2024 and beyond. Here are some highlights of key findings from the survey results; additional results as they relate

Chilton Club’s D&I Journey
Diversity is an ongoing topic within the club industry, with some clubs making progress on their diversity initiatives and others struggling with where to begin. Diversity is really about differences; the color of one’s skin, religion, ethnicity, race, and gender, to name a few. Just

Club Trends Fall 2022: Racquet Renaissance
The Birchwood Club: Where Members are the Heart and Racquets are the Core
Nestled along Lake Michigan on Chicago’s North Shore is the vibrant enclave of Highland Park, a bustling upscale suburban city of 30,000 residents. Since 1958, racquet-loving locals and their families have gathered at The Birchwood Club to enjoy an array of friendly and competitive racquet
What are ways to improve our member retention?
In a recent study of the 4,000-plus private clubs in North America, GGA Partners found almost nine in 10 clubs are full and experiencing significant waitlist growth. Certainly, the pandemic has brought unprecedented growth to private clubs. The question now is how clubs will retain
Budget Time is Here: Is a 20% dues increase palatable?
DAN: Budget time is here again—it’s an annual event, something like Christmas or April 15th. The economy is still in question, but despite this and other macro, global factors, isn’t it time to finally loosen your budgeting belt? While many members are still personally recovering

The New Model at the Old Barnwell Club
Nick Schreiber knew what he was looking for, theoretically, on his 50 or so trips to scope land within a six-hour drive of Charleston, S.C. Sandy soil was a must. Hills were good. Interesting potential turns, attractive topography, somewhere a course or three could roll

Club Trends Spring 2022: Staying Power: Lodging Gains New Value as a Timely Club Amenity

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Talking Points for Private Clubs
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee of the National Club Association (NCA) developed talking points and a DEI blueprint as a guide for clubs to use in their own DEI efforts. These documents are a starting point for clubs and should be considered, customized