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Tag: McMahon-Group

Club Trends Winter 2022: Building the Multigenerational Club

Download Publication Features Generational Changes: How New Lifestyles and Preferences are Challenging Today's Standards Beyond Golf: Huge Opportunity for Growth in 2022 and Beyond Eyes on 2022: City Club Outlook How Generational Diversity Shapes Long-term Planning: Looking for Insight Into What Your Members Want? It's

Club Trends Fall 2021: Strike While the Irons are Hot

Download Publication Features Teed Up for Success: Golf's New Opportunities Pulse Survey: Taking the Pulse on Golf Fun, Flexible and Fast: Golf Builds for the Future "Operation 36" and "Crush It" Lead Junior Golf Programming into Golf's New Future Golf's New Look: How the Golf

Club Trends Summer 2021: Creating Club Culture: It Begins with Orientation

Download Publication Features Investing in Your People: Strategies for Effective Orientations that Lead to Success Employee Onboarding and Orientation: The Key to Creating a Culture-Driven Workplace Board Orientation: The Key to High-Performing Boards Committee Orientation: Follow the Leaders Setting the Right Tone: Member Orientations Case Studies: Washington Golf and Country

Structural Changes: Facilities Adapt for the Future

Consumers have made dramatic shifts due to the coronavirus pandemic and so have the facilities they occupy. Social distancing, or more aptly, physical distancing, has forced businesses and residences to rethink their layouts and purposes to accommodate new preferences and best practices. While the vaccine

Club Trends Spring 2021: Club Facilities That Drive Membership

Download Publication Features Structural Changes: Facilities Adapt for the Future Environment, Safety and Security: How Club Facilities Drive Membership Strategic Stewardship: Protecting, Preserving and Growing the Club's Assets The Relevant Club A Pandemic Year Spawns New, Diverse and Innovative Club Facilities Golf in the Age

Shifting Society: Leading the Way Out of COVID-19

As the coronavirus continues well into its second year of existence, businesses and individuals are making significant decisions to adjust to today’s sentiments and prepare for the future. These moves range from small (eating out) to large (moving to a less populated area). MOVING AROUND

On the Home Front: Pandemic Impact on Club Communities

The pandemic has shaped the way we behave as consumers and experts believe the effects may continue for many years. One example, as noted in the macro perspective, is that residential real estate sales are making headlines as consumers flock from large, populated cities to