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Tag: workforce

California Enacts Sweeping Independent Contractor Reform

Last year, the California Supreme Court adopted the so-called “ABC test” for purposes of enforcing the State Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders. In doing so, the Court replaced the independent contractor test that had been in place and followed by businesses for nearly 30 years.

How can my club develop a strong service philosophy?

As managers, we all have a certain management style. This transcends to developing a service culture at the club that reflects your vision, that of your members and of course, your staff. Managers at any business or successful organization lead by example. Some managers are more outgoing;

Hiring a New GM/COO: Competencies and Success Factors

Because choosing your club’s next general manager can often be a long and difficult undertaking, properly evaluating the club’s needs is essential. Once firm skillsets and previous experience are identified, the Search Committee can begin the search. During the interview process, the committee will need

The Recruitment/Retention Puzzle

We all have heard it and said it numerous times, but now it seems club managers are living this trite saying more than ever, “Good people are hard to find!” And, good people are also hard to keep! The latest statistics on engagement are alarming.

Staffing Solutions: Keeping Pace in a Hot Job Market

Labor shortages are a national challenge— and private clubs are among the industries experiencing difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff. In September 2018, employers nationwide had roughly a million more unfilled job openings (7.01 million) than there were unemployed workers, according to the Labor Department.