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Tag: safety-risk-mgt

Emergency Preparedness: Does Your Club Have a Plan?

The past year has brought with it an unexpected string of extreme weather, including one of the deadliest tornado seasons in recent memory, a freak earthquake that spanned the eastern seaboard, and, most recently, devastating thunderstorms that tore their way through the nation’s capital. With

Sample Emergency Management Plan: A Checklist for Clubs

Executive Summary This section should give management and employees a brief overview of plan’s purpose; the club’s emergency management policy; authorities and responsibilities of key personnel; the kinds of potential emergencies the club may experience; and, where response operations will be managed. Potential Hazards The

Taking Out Food Means Taking on Risks

The private club industry is changing with the times—embracing new members and new trends to help clubs stay relevant and competitive in the future. Unfortunately, some of these changes and new programs endanger one of the things that many private clubs value—their tax-exempt status. In

Risk Management Checklist: High Risk Areas

In developing a risk management plan a club should pay particular attention to three areas that are especially vulnerable to risk. Employment Practices Was club counsel consulted to verify that the club’s employment policies, applications and other employment documents follow federal, state and local laws?

Risk Management: Determining if Your Club is Vulnerable

Risk management planning is crucial to protecting the assets of the club and its officers, directors and staff. Common areas in which risk management plans are used are policies regulating the service of alcohol, employment, membership and environmental practices, workplace safety, disaster planning, and the

Fighting Fraud

Tough economic times can bring out the best and the worst in people. While everyone would like to believe that all employees act ethically and responsibly all of the time, fraud does happen. Clubs should take a closer look at their fraud insurance and take

Marine Tips: Preparing Marinas for the Off Season

Marine Facilities Group specialists are pleased to share with you this information on safety basics for marina off season preparation. These six check-points may help you identify and reduce the likelihood of an incident that could impact your income and damage your reputation. Haul Out

10 Traps That Trigger Employment Litigation

Labor and employment-related legal actions are weighing heavily on the minds of many senior executives. By focusing on proactive and preventative steps, employers can avoid liability and the resulting claims. Employers often make choices and decisions that have consequences; but we can learn from our

An En”lightning” Discussion: National Lightning Week

As the summer season gets into full swing, errant golf balls aren’t the only things of which players need to be careful. June 19-25 was National Lightning Week, and, across the nation, the National Weather Service, along with major television networks and organizations like The

Spot, Stop Workers Comp Fraud

Legitimate workers comp claims can cost your business big money. Fraudulent claims can drive up your costs even more and for years ahead. What are the most likely ways employees can claim bogus workers comp? Following are claims to give special attention to: Back and