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Tag: governance

Transforming a Paradigm Pioneer

We all have those moments in our personal and professional lives. The ones that get frozen in time. For me, one of the most significant happened at the intersection of Green Island Road and Diamond Causeway on Skidaway Island, just outside of the main gates

Recognizing Board Service: Benefits of Directors

Recently, I was asked by the president of a National Club Association (NCA) member club what types of benefits clubs typically give to their leadership. The honest answer was that I hadn’t the slightest idea. This lack of understanding sparked the idea to do a

A Case Study of Good Governance: Greensboro Country Club

You would be wrong if you think of Greensboro Country Club (GCC) as a sleepy, tradition-bound club within a tradition-bound community. Not only is Greensboro, N.C., a steadily growing city, but its eponymous country club is also expanding as evidenced by its recent $19 million

How to Build the Board of Directors: Selecting Your Dream Team

Two decades ago, Jim Collins wrote the best-selling book “Good to Great,” which identified characteristics of companies that significantly out-performed others in their respective industries. First among the characteristics was “First Who, then What,” a chapter on getting the right people on the bus. The