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Tag: GGA-Partners

How Can Clubs Protect Their Data and Information Systems?

PHILIP NEWMAN of RSM, the tax, audit and consulting firm known in clubs for perspicacity, expresses concern that many clubs are unprepared concerning data security. “Overall I don’t think most clubs do enough in this area—particularly in the area of employee training. Something we do as

Chartering Board Committees: A Vital Strategic Governance Best Practice

EFFECTIVE COMMITTEES are made of compendious charters. Chartering board committees requires clarity of thought and mission. Clarity arises from specificity within the committee charter. When chartering committees there are two touchstones to reference. First, the club bylaws dictate certain mandatory committees that support effective governance. Second,

The Business of Proper Club Governance

A FEW YEARS AGO, a leader in the private club industry said to me—in neither a good nor bad way, but in a matter of fact way—that he saw me as a dealmaker. Being a “dealmaker” may not have the positive connotation that it once did.

Board Self-Assessment: 5 Steps to Evaluate Your Performance

EFFECTIVE BOARDS set goals and work to achieve them. The best, top-performing boards execute an annual self-assessment of their performance. This is the time of year to evaluate how your board performed in 2018. To conduct a proper self-assessment each board should take the following five

Board Orientation: 3 Steps to Ensuring a Smooth Transition

THOROUGH AND THOUGHTFUL board orientation ensures the effectiveness of private club boards in transition. Club leaders often struggle to sustain key strategic initiatives due to the lack of continuity from one board to the next. Board orientation is an important step to ensure the continuity and