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Author: Phil Mike

Shifting Society: Leading the Way Out of COVID-19

As the coronavirus continues well into its second year of existence, businesses and individuals are making significant decisions to adjust to today’s sentiments and prepare for the future. These moves range from small (eating out) to large (moving to a less populated area). MOVING AROUND

Back to the Club: A Challenging Twist to an Annual Event

The Brand Guide of the Detroit Athletic Club (DAC) is an intricate tapestry covering mission statements and visions and typography and color selection and seemingly every possible permutation and scenario—except for a pandemic, which provoked a rewriting of the playbook here and there. But what

Innovating Out of Necessity

How Businesses are Adapting to Stay Relevant The coronavirus pandemic has forced businesses and individuals to take action to adapt, survive and ultimately thrive. Many of these changes have created and accelerated innovations that have opened new revenue streams or given people the confidence to

Addison Law Joins NCA as an Executive Partner

The National Club Association (NCA) proudly announces that Addison Law has joined NCA’s exclusive Corporate Partner program as an Executive Partner. Through the partnership, the leading law firm positions itself as an advocate for the entire private club industry. Addison Law Firm’s practice is dedicated to

NCA Alert: IRS Guidance on Payroll Tax Holiday

On August 8, 2020, President Trump announced an executive action to allow employers to provide a tax holiday for their employee’s portion of Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes. On Friday, August 28, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued guidance to implement the Executive Memorandum.

Process vs. People . . . and the Winner Is?

I OFTEN ENGAGE in conversation and even debate the question of what comes first: process or people? Should we focus on recruiting, hiring and retaining the right people or on improving business processes? Early in my career, I was always frustrated as to why people did