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Final COVID-19 Club Update: NCA’s COVID Coverage is Moving to Our Bi-weekly Club Insider Brief

Club Updates – Aug. 17

Note to subscribers: With the CDC’s relaxing of COVID-19 guidelines and the virus’s evolution from pandemic to endemic stage, NCA’s COVID coverage is moving to our bi-weekly Club Insider Brief(CIB). COVID-19 Club Update subscribers will receive CIB starting next week. We hope you enjoy its expanded industry content and continue benefiting from NCA’s COVID-19 coverage there.

After an increase in COVID-19 infections earlier this summer, daily cases have fallen more than18% in the past two weeks, reports The New York Times. A decrease in cases has been seen in almost every state, and by 20% or more in a dozen states. In response, the CDC has eased COVID-19 guidelines stating the country is “in a different place” due to high immunity rates. Despite the drop, coronavirus deaths have increased by 8% in the last two weeks.

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COVID-19 Data From the Onset: These charts from The New York Times show the increases and decreases in COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths since they were first recorded more than two years ago. Due to high immunity rates and a decrease in cases, the CDC recently laxed its COVID-19 guidelines. See full article here.

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