Private clubs have often faced the brunt of negative publicity. Whether it’s from a misperception about what private clubs truly are or a bias in the media, it’s always best for clubs to be prepared to effectively handle any and all publicity they receive.
NCA’s Media Relations Management helps club leaders anticipate the circumstances that may prompt an inquiry from the media and tells how to take control of the situation, including sample questions and answers. Other topics include how to choose and train an effective spokesperson and how to make an effective television appearance. A 20-point media relations checklist is also included to help keep a club’s management plan on target.
No club wants to deal with controversial issues, especially in the glare of the media, but controversial issues can be handled more effectively if proper planning is done in advance. The key to effective planning is:
- Have a plan that outlines how the club will respond to various inquiries. This can be done by preparing in advance sample questions and responses that are likely to come before the club.
- Know when to remain silent. Some controversies may be short-lived, requiring little or no response. Consider if the club’s response will continue to fuel the debate or contribute positively to the club.
- Know the club’s position and policies. Be ready to respond with prepared statements, if appropriate.
- Be aware of the types of inquiries other clubs are receiving; your club may be next in line to receive the same type of inquiry.
- If the club is attacked by the media, assess the situation carefully and decide whether a proactive response is warranted.
- Use as many facts as possible, without identifying any particular individuals, to present a calm and reasoned rebuttal.
- Refer to the laws requiring confidentiality and privacy.
To properly handle crises or unwanted media attention and to turn a potentially negative situation into a positive one for the club, it is essential to have a thorough media relations plan in place. Key members and staff should be identified and trained to communicate openly and positively with the media. Taking steps today to plan for unforeseen media attention will not only help the club be prepared for the future, but could also potentially help bolster the club’s image and perception among those reached by the media.
NCA has prepared “talking points” available for members on a variety of topics, including tax-exempt status, selective membership policies, reduction in valuation for open space land, and the economy and its impact on the private club industry. For more information, contact Cindy Vizza, director of communications, at