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Tag: operations

First Person

I GREW UP in the city of Riviere-du-Loup on the South Shore of the St. Lawrence River in the Province of Québec, Canada. I was in Washington, D.C., visiting two friends from Québec when I became quite ill and was admitted to the hospital with

Information Silos and the Knowledge Deficit

Belonging to, or even visiting a club, comes with certain expectations. One of which is that an elevated level of service will be experienced. In order to deliver on these expectations, clubs are turning to sophisticated technology applications not only to streamline tedious and time

Pulse Survey Review 2017

McMahon Group conducted their Annual Pulse Survey late last year to gather feedback about topics related to private clubs, ranging from membership trends to human resources to operational issues. Following is a summary of the results from the 445 managers and executives who responded MEMBERSHIP

Macro Outlook 2017: Forecasting the Club of the Future

As private clubs continue to rebound post-recession, competition has increased within the industry. Clubs are tweaking and adding programs and services to retain and recruit members. With that comes increased responsibility to be aware of major trends happening outside of the club. Here are key

Are all your systems working as a team?

MANY CLUBS WORK WITH MORE THAN ONE SOFTWARE VENDOR OR SYSTEM. The accounting team usually has a system that is tailored specifically for clubs. Marketing and communications teams often work with a vendor that specializes in website design, digital marketing and member communications. Then there

Why are some clubs doing very well and others struggle?

A new separation is occurring in the club world and it is based on one critical element: can your club raise the capital required to maintain premier existing conditions and offer the new amenities it needs to compete? As you know from reading NCA-McMahon’s Club Trends,

Golf Course Conservation Easements: A Change in Tax View

A conservation easement is a legal tool originally created for the purpose of protecting and preserving natural landscape and acreage from development. In theory, a landowner agrees to keep a large section of his land free from development and in a natural state in return

Recipe for Innovation: Northwood Club

John McGee, CCM, is the general manager and chief operating officer at Northwood Club, located in north Dallas. McGee knows the food business intimately, having come up through the ranks of the Marriott organization both as chef and then as a food and beverage director