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Tag: operations

Can you still afford to be all things to all members?

GOVERNORS nationwide are cautiously phasing in the business and services that can reopen. As of the end of May, most private club golf courses are open, but it may still be weeks or months before other facilities open. In some regard, that is fortunate because it

What are the Key Financial Issues for Reopening the Club?

As coronavirus radically disrupted club operations, the first reactions from clubs were the health and safety of its staff and members. Based on state and federal orders, clubs closed their doors and have been working resiliently behind the scenes to prepare for reopening. Unfortunately, the

COVID-19 Blueprint for Reopening Private Clubs

The National Club Association’s (NCA) Blueprint for Reopening Private Clubs provides private clubs with direction and guidance to safely reopen. This is a compilation of shared resources across numerous industries, organizations and agencies that NCA has collected and disseminated through our Coronavirus Resource Center. The Blueprint provides