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Tag: governance

The Board Policy Manual: Successful Governance Policies

The Desert Highlands Association has been fortunate to experience successful governance practices over many years. In my role as COO, it has been important for me and our board members to seek out and encourage club members with vision and wisdom to serve on committees,

Measuring your General Manager’s Success

Q How can the club president do an effective job of reviewing the general manager’s performance? How do you measure success in the GM review? A General manager reviews are often a difficult process when conducted by board presidents, most of whom are successful executives but do

New! The Board Toolkit: Club Leadership Essentials

NCA is set to release its newest publication, Board Toolkit: Club Leadership Essentials, our first publication provided free to NCA members under recent expansions to the publication savings NCA members enjoy. Also apart of this expansion are 60 to 70 percent discounts on all existing NCA publications.