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Tag: food-beverage

Know your Holiday Alcohol Service: Info-graphic

The upcoming holiday season will be a busy one for restaurants, as millions of Americans celebrate the occasion by dining out. Beer, wine and cocktails can be great additions to the holiday meal experience, so it’s important for restaurant operators to train staff in responsible alcohol

Taking Out Food Means Taking on Risks

The private club industry is changing with the times—embracing new members and new trends to help clubs stay relevant and competitive in the future. Unfortunately, some of these changes and new programs endanger one of the things that many private clubs value—their tax-exempt status. In

Combatting Commodity Increases: Ways to Save in the Restaurant

Even though the American economy is slow to rebound, some products have seen sharp price increases in the past year. In particular, commodity prices have skyrocketed, leaving restaurants, including those at private clubs, struggling to keep up. Consumers have seen higher prices at grocery stores

Food Safety Checklist for Restaurants

Consumers are keeping food safety at top of mind as they choose where and what to eat. I reached out to Jorge Hernandez, senior vice president of food safety and quality assurance for U.S. Foodservice, to find out how restaurants and their employees can take action

September is National Food Safety Education Month

Recent outbreaks of salmonella and E. coli illness from products as varied as peanuts, spinach, tomatoes, pistachios, peppers and cookie dough, have spurred fears about food safety and serve as a reminder to clubs to remain constantly aware of their food sources and product recalls.

Ways to Combat Rising Food Costs: Tips for Club Chefs

With heirloom tomatoes running as high as $5 per pound and exotic mushrooms out-pricing a quality filet, chefs like Ralph Poness of the Singing Beach Club in Manchester by the Sea, Mass., are finding innovative ways to balance cost and creativity. “We have herb gardens