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Category: Newsletter

Enhancing Benefits: Getting the Most Out of HR Programs

In tough economic times, perks, bonuses and benefits are often the first thing to go. Unfortunately, a lack of benefits can have a highly detrimental effect on workplace morale and employee retention. To compensate, HR professionals are coming up with new ways to provide benefits

An En”lightning” Discussion: National Lightning Week

As the summer season gets into full swing, errant golf balls aren’t the only things of which players need to be careful. June 19-25 was National Lightning Week, and, across the nation, the National Weather Service, along with major television networks and organizations like The

Private Club Technology Trends

In our continued coverage of last month’s National Club Conference, this month’s article will explore Private Club Technology Trends. In this tech-centered presentation, Bill Boothe, a partner at Private Club Technology Solutions and Mark Lipsitt, a partner at The Lipsitt Group, delineated the latest technology

Is Your Club Eligible for the FICA Tip Credit?

Many clubs permit tipping for servers providing food and beverage service. In the “restaurant” world, an employer must maintain some method of tip reporting. This means that the entity must have a system to capture the tips received by a server in cash or by

Fair Way Forward: EWGA Revamps Women-Friendly Golf Course Criteria

A recent survey conducted by the Executive Women’s Golf Association identified many key issues that impact women’s on-course experience. This data paralleled a recent industry study funded by the Little Family Foundation and conducted on behalf of the National Golf Course Owners Association (NGCOA). With

The Top Ten Things That Every Well-Run Club Should Have

Clubs strive to be the best that they can be in providing services to their members. In this pursuit of perfection, club leadership is generally interested in not only what other well-run clubs do, but also in what would be described as “best practices.” Best

The Importance of Engaging the Baby Boomer Generation

According to the National Club Association’s 2009 Private Club Operations Report, the average age of a private club member is 57. This means in order to ensure your private club remains financially viable with a healthy, engaged membership body, private clubs must have a comprehensive understanding