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Category: Club Director

The Recruitment/Retention Puzzle

We all have heard it and said it numerous times, but now it seems club managers are living this trite saying more than ever, “Good people are hard to find!” And, good people are also hard to keep! The latest statistics on engagement are alarming.

Staffing Apps

Flexible hiring, the gig economy, on-demand workers are all terms that reflect the fact that freelance workers now make up 35 percent of the U.S. workforce. How can clubs tap this new economy of workers—often working for multiple employers—who manage their own schedules? Well, there’s

How is technology helping to grow the game of golf?

THROUGHOUT THE GOLF SEASON, millions of viewers tune in every weekend to watch PGA TOUR golf and, in 2018, viewership skyrocketed as the world watched Tiger Woods’ exciting comeback. That said, the younger players on the TOUR, who are compelling in their own right and have

Comprehensive Workforce Planning

The inception of Farmington 2027, the strategic plan that is guiding Farmington Country Club in Charlottesville, Va., to its 100th anniversary, provided the perfect opportunity to organize our staffing strategies into a comprehensive workforce planning initiative, which we launched as Farmington Workforce Planning 2027. This initiative was based

An Integrated HR Management System

In today’s highly volatile employment market with a national unemployment rate of 3.7 percent in October 2018, there are significant benefits to modernizing the club’s human resources and payroll processes using a contemporary human capital management (HCM) system. Chief among them is the ability to

Workplace Culture and Retention

Unless you’ve built a club from the ground up, every one of us has inherited a workforce, and for that matter, a club’s workplace culture. Some of us have walked into organizations where the service culture functions as the cornerstone of the operation and others