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Washington Weekly Update: 9-14-20

Situational Awareness

The House and Senate are both in session this week for the final work period before the November elections. The House is scheduled to adjourn on October 2 and the Senate will stay in until October 9.

COVID-19 Relief Agreement Remains Elusive

Last week, Senate Republicans attempted to move forward on legislation to provide extended unemployment benefits, aid to schools, funding for the U.S. Postal Service and restart the Paycheck Protection Program. Senate Democrats blocked consideration of the bill over concerns it was too limited and funds were needed for state and local governments. Democrats on both sides of the Capitol have been holding firm on their demands for relief funding to exceed $1.5 trillion.

While negotiations have largely stalled since late July, there is still hope for an agreement to be reached this month prior to Congress adjourning for the election. Negotiations have been complicated because there are three parties at the table and each has their own position. The Administration would like to have something to take to voters to show responsiveness, House Democrats passed their own relief bill totaling $3.4 trillion, and Republicans are increasingly concerned about spending levels and deficits.

NCA Highlights City Clubs’ Plight in Letter to Leadership

NCA was joined by more than 30 city clubs on a letter to House and Senate Leadership urging for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to be opened up to 501(c)(7) entities. The letter highlights the unique challenges city clubs are facing during the pandemic and the lack of effective relief for their operations. Ongoing restrictions on indoor capacity, cancelation of large events and the dramatic increase in remote working have severely impacted revenues over the past six months. You can see the text of the letter here with the clubs that have elected to sign on as of this update. The letter will be finalized at the close of business Monday, September 14 (today) and sent to Leadership. Contact Joe Trauger at to add your city club’s name to the letter before 6 pm EDT.

Department of Labor Releases Updated Regulation on COVID Leave

On Friday, the Department of Labor rolled out revised regulations on paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The revised rules were needed after a federal judge in New York struck down portions of the regulations related to health care workers who are exempted from the law as being overly broad. The judge also struck down parts of the rule allowing employers to deny leave if they didn’t have work available, that required workers to get employer consent for intermittent leave, and a requirement that employees provide documentation prior to taking leave. The new rule revised the documentation requirement allowing employees to provide it as soon as practicable. The Department of Labor reaffirmed its regulations on the denial of leave if work isn’t available and employer consent for intermittent leave.


Washington Weekly Update is a benefit of your NCA membership. If you have any questions, would like further information on these or any other issues affecting the club industry or would like to get more involved with our advocacy efforts, please contact me at or 202-822-9822.