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Lobbying for Success

According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, lobbying is “to conduct activities aimed at influencing public officials and especially members of a legislative body on legislation.”

Each day, discussions by Capitol Hill policymakers in Washington, D.C., affect the nearly $70 billion golf industry. How do we make sure Congressional leaders know the real facts about golf so they can make informed decisions regarding our industry?

Communicating with Congressional Leaders

Established in 2009, the WE ARE GOLF coalition represents all segments of the game in D.C., and informs members of Congress about golf’s annual economic impact as well as its charitable donations. The U.S. golf industry supports almost two million jobs and $56 billion in annual wage income.

In addition to golf’s overall economic impact, it’s important for federal policymakers to know that more than 10,000 facilities are open to the public (with a median $26 green fee for 18 holes), and that nine out of 10 golfers play at public courses. As one can see, the game is an accessible and affordable recreational activity for millions of people. To introduce even more players to the sport, programs like Get Golf Ready and The First Tee are available nationwide. Get Golf Ready has more than 4,000 certified facilities, and The First Tee has reached more than 7 million young people since its inception.

Another example of golf’s positive influence that’s regularly shared with our nation’s leaders is its charitable impact, totaling almost $4 billion annually. This covers an estimated 12,000 golf facilities, 143,000 events and 12 million participants generating an average of $26,300 per function. Golf’s annual philanthropic contributions are more than the NBA, NFL, NHL and MLB combined. Notably, funds accumulated through charity golf events primarily go to causes outside of the sport.

As anyone who follows the news will know, a primary focus for D.C. policymakers is health care. Our nation is facing an obesity and inactivity pandemic. Almost 70 percent of Americans are either obese or overweight and 192 million people are not active to healthy standards. Did you know walking 18 holes is equal to a 5-mile walk or 3.5 to 4-mile run and can burn up to 2,000 calories?

National Golf Day

The game has strong messaging about its human and societal benefits, but getting on a Congressional agenda can be a difficult task.

For the seventh consecutive year, WE ARE GOLF recently hosted “National Golf Day” on Capitol Hill. Industry stakeholders met with politicians on Wednesday, May 21 and discussed why the nearly 15,000 golf courses should each be regarded like any other small business in the country.

This year’s National Golf Day, similar to past iterations, attracted national print, broadcast and online coverage, and reached millions of people via social media. To review recent posts or join the social media conversation, follow @wearegolf (Twitter, Instagram) and use #NGD14.

These efforts over the past few years, have made members of Congress more aware of the 2 million Americans working in golf and how golf courses provide significant benefits to our local communities, like getting youth involved in the game and teaching them life skills. Our nation’s political leaders are more educated about the impact the industry makes on a daily basis. National Golf Day has been an ideal platform to share this information during a one-day event, but also serves as a year-round communication platform for the industry to be in regular contact with Congress.

For more information on National Golf Day, visit

Tips for Influencing Local Policy

For golf club managers who would like to influence policymakers at the local or federal level, below are a few ideas:

  • Find out if the representative in your club’s district plays golf. Does he or she play regularly? Has this person played at your club? Apart from the congressman or congresswoman representing your club’s district, you may also want to research where the two U.S. senators representing your state are based.
  • Talk with some of your members to see if they know anyone in your region’s congressional district. A personal connection or proper introduction could lead to a much stronger relationship.
  • Based on what you learn, think about inviting your House representative and/or senator(s) to visit your club when they are home during a congressional recess. In a written invitation to the member, extend an opportunity to look at your facility from an economic and environmental standpoint, while also highlighting the outdoor recreation and junior programming it provides. Offer your club as an example of what the golf industry means to your district and/or state. If you learn they like to play, encourage them to come out to tee it up.
  • Consider attending events that your delegation’s members schedule in your region. It’s a good way to connect with them and their staff directly.
  • WE ARE GOLF works closely with Forbes-Tate. If you have any specific lobbying questions, feel free to reach out to George Cooper ([email protected]). His team can provide further background on golf interest among individual congressional members. 

The most effective approach to help members of Congress better understand your business is to have them visit your facility so they can talk with you, your employees and even members.

Going Forward

The golf industry conducts a variety of research each year to gain deeper insights into growing the game, increasing diversity and female involvement, improving the customer experience and otherwise getting people to develop a lifelong passion for golf. Pace-of-play programs and creating 12-, 9- or even 6-hole options will decrease the time needed to play the game while still providing an enjoyable recreational activity and social outlet. New ideas, such as PGA Junior League Golf, have grown to more than 800 teams in just a few years. This turns the game into a team sport making it less intimidating to many. Also, FootGolf is gaining popularity across the country by combining golf and soccer.

The outlook for golf in the next decade is exciting. It’s important for the industry to work closely together so that golf’s interests can be effectively communicated with congressional leaders, making sure they are aware of the game’s impact and how it continues to grow and evolve.

Steve Mona is CEO of the World Golf Foundation and has been listed in Golf Inc.’s “Most Powerful People in Golf” for 13 consecutive years. You can reach him at [email protected].

World Golf Foundation develops and supports initiatives that positively impact lives through the game of golf and its traditional values. Founded in 1993, The Foundation is supported by major international golf organizations and professional Tours, and provides oversight to World Golf Hall of Fame, The First Tee, GOLF 20/20 and other industry initiatives in support of its mission. For more information, visit

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