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Tag: retention

The Recruitment/Retention Puzzle

We all have heard it and said it numerous times, but now it seems club managers are living this trite saying more than ever, “Good people are hard to find!” And, good people are also hard to keep! The latest statistics on engagement are alarming.

Workplace Culture and Retention

Unless you’ve built a club from the ground up, every one of us has inherited a workforce, and for that matter, a club’s workplace culture. Some of us have walked into organizations where the service culture functions as the cornerstone of the operation and others

Employee Retention: What Matters Most in Retaining Workers

With the unemployment rate at 8.6 percent, leaving 13.9 million unemployed Americans nationwide looking for work, the 12.8 million-worker restaurant industry shouldn’t seem to have difficulty filling positions. But, all that might be about to change. Economic improvement is on the horizon, and many believe

Making Cents: The Value of Member Retention

Membership stability is the cornerstone of any club’s success. Especially in turbulent times such as those the country experiences in a recession, clubs need to ensure that the combination of value and prestige in membership, along with both financial and emotional investment in the club,