Outlook 2024: For Clubs, The Future’s Still Bright
In November 2023, a McMahon Group Pulse Survey was sent to McMahon’s database of clubs, asking for club leaders’ assessments of 2023 and their outlook for 2024 and beyond. Here are some highlights of key findings from the survey results; additional results as they relate
Still Much Work to be Done
While many clubs continue to enjoy full member- ships and full-capacity use of the activities they offer, club leaders remain well aware of the need to focus on a wide range of management and operational areas as they strive to improve their clubs’ value propositions.
Ready about! Orchard Lake Country Club reinvigorates its proud sailing program
Orchard Lake Country Club, Orchard Lake, Mich., has long been known for the excellence of its golf course—in fact, the club boasts one of the highest ranked golf courses in the state. And as with golf, the club’s racquet and swim programs have been recognized
Hosting Major Golf Championships
HOSTING A MAJOR golf championship is typically a onceinalifetime experi ence. I have been fortunate to host three major golf championships, two PGA Championships, one U.S. Open, two Tour Championships, a Senior PGA Champion ship and a U.S. Men’s Amateur Champi onship during my 27
Moving on Up: Housing and Lodging Trends Emerging from the Pandemic
Preferences for living and lodging arrangements have dramatically changed since the onset of COVID-19. As covered in the 2021 Outlook issue of Club Trends, many Americans have moved away from urban areas in favor of more spacious living. Hotels, too, had to adapt to fewer
What is the winning formula to achieve operational success in the current environment?
While the goals of financial sustainability, engaged staff and increasingly satisfied members remain the targets of every private club, the formula to achieve such a trifecta has changed in recent years. Because so little remains the same, how can a general manager best ensure their
The Secret to Exceptional Locker Room Service: Taking it Up a Notch
What’s the secret to providing exceptional service in your locker rooms? Aspiration and knowledge. First, the team in locker rooms must want to provide the best service possible to members and guests. Put another way, no strategy, no matter how well written, will change a thing in any work situation
Putting a Charge Into Private Club Parking: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Electric vehicles (EVs) have become a common sight at private clubs across the United States. It’s not unusual to see a Tesla or two sprinkled throughout a club’s parking lot and as the world’s automakers ramp up EV development, electric cars and trucks will become even more common.
The Biggest Challenges Lead to the Greatest Opportunities
When a worldwide pandemic shut down our private club industry, clubs quickly pulled together to innovate, collaborate and engage with members to keep connectivity and a sense of camaraderie alive in our clubs. The Association of Club Catering & Event Professionals and Private Clubs Online