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Tag: member discipline

Trending Topics: The Subjects on Board Members’ Minds

Board members charged with maintaining sound governance and trusted leadership are awash in duties and responsibilities, along with planning and directing club strategy. And that is before listening to voice messages, reading member emails or looking at social media accounts. While the issues are varied

How To Discipline Members: Addressing a Growing Concern

NCA has received an increasing number of information requests on member discipline. Any member discipline process must include notice and an opportunity for the member to be heard. Generally, the process proceeds as follows. COMPLAINT. Complaints can be received from any number of sources: members, employees

What are the legal implications of members behaving badly?

With the recent headlines detailing alleged harassment by powerful persons in the entertainment industry and beyond, it is imperative that employers effectively address claims of discrimination, harassment and hostile work environment now more than ever. But what happens when an employee is being harassed or