We all enjoy the big booms along with the spectator’s oohs and ahs; yet if a fireworks display is at your operation, there are safety concerns to be addressed.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a Fireworks Safety page addressing numerous concerns. One item not listed on the above link is the day after golf course clean-up process that is always an arduous task. The ‘dawn patrol’ players want to get out as early possible while the Ground staff is pressed to do their normal duties along with cleaning up the additional mess from all the exploded shells.
Ensure your grounds department employee watch for unexploded ordinance when they are doing cleanup and/or mowing.
The OSHA web page above shares numerous insights and guidance on staging the fireworks (probably more than most want to know) as well as pre-display approval checklist, pre-display site checklist, display checklist and post-display checklists.
The fireworks safety page also contains three stories on enforcement examples and, unfortunately, all have employee deaths. You can read these cautionary stories below.
This club safety reminder is intended to raise your awareness of some of the behind-the-scenes happenings we normally don’t think about.
Wishing you and your club family a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July holiday.
Alan Achatz of Club Safety Solutions is a former club manager and operates a safety consultancy helping clubs with hazard recognition, emergency action planning, OSHA compliance, safety audits and food safety. Club Safety Solutions will provide NCA members a 30-minute free consultation. He can be reached at 716-829-9148 or at clubsafetysolutions.com.